From inspiration to vacation...

From inspiration to vacation...

And we're back! Last week was slack week for me and my posts as I attended a wonderful conference (The Altitude Summit).  The conference was to inspire, learn, grow and network as bloggers.  It was especially useful to me as I am trying to spread Welles message far and wide.  I met so many strong and inspirational women!  These ladies are not only crafty, stylish and talented but also had the most beautiful souls and I felt blessed to have met them.  There were a number of bloggers like myself, passionate about changing the worlds perception on specific topics.  It was a great re-charge and reminder as to why I started this-- to be Welles voice and advocate for a world that sees Down syndrome for the beautiful thing it is.

After some late nights and long days packed with information over-load at the conference, I woke up early Saturday to pack and load our little foursome into the car for a family road trip.  Here we are in beautiful St. George.  The weather is perfect for mountain biking and some hikes.  We took a Sunday stroll into the red rocks for some peaceful family exploration time.  Even with Scarlett asking every three minutes if we could go back to the house, it was serene.  That girl is not as adventurous as I had hoped she would be, but perhaps she'll overcome her fear of EVERYTHING and one day run freely from one red rock to another.  Until then, we will break our backs carrying both kids, everywhere.

Stay tuned for more St. George adventures.

Closet Crier

Closet Crier

Real life...

Real life...