OshKosh B'Gosh

OshKosh B'Gosh

This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of OshKosh B'gosh; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed, are my own. 

We were honored to be reached out to by OshKosh  because #1. I love when brands see the beauty in my kids, especially my unique son (who couldn't though, right?) and want him to sport their gear. And #2. I love keeping my babies little and precious and OshKosh does just that. If a cute pair of overalls and a denim dress don't scream "let them be little", then I don't know what does! All the babyhood to kidhood glory in one stop. I was so excited to hear that OshKosh is now carrying sweet and simple styles with their new Baby B'gosh line up to 5t! Scarlett looks so darling in this beautiful new dress below. Kids fashion, toddler fashion and baby fashion... Way too much fun. 

Let me tell you. Sometimes taking pics of my kids is a joke. They fuss and cry or just run from my shot... Usually at least one kid isn't feelin' it. But these shots were so fun to take. Scarlett and Welles danced around and played happily while I stood back and captured their moments. Ames had some fussies but it would have been too twilight zone-ish if someone wasn't being a stinker. I love watching my kids be kids. I love watching them relish childhood TOGETHER. Nothing makes my heart flutter like seeing my kids love each other, and let me tell ya... These kids LOVE each other. I know life in this phase is crazy... It's down right exhausting and many days I feel a little defeated by all that goes into it. But gosh, I'm gonna miss these times. I'm going to hate watching them grow out of imaginary play together. I will be heartbroken the day Scarlett stops wanting to dress up Welles and pretend like he is her baby. Something inside me might die a little when she doesn't beg me to play barbies with her. Thankfully I have my forever boy with Welles. ;) Watching them be kids and dressing them like sweet littles is way too good on my momma soul! I'm in love with this crazy, exhausting and playful time with my three babies. Pushing the pause button on life, right now! ;)

To get 15% off your Baby B'gosh order (when spending $20+) use online code: OKBG3249 or retail code: 036591 through 5/6/17. Click here to find a store close to you. 

Look at these cute little little OshKosh kiddos killing some spring fashion! ;)

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