World Down Syndrome Day 2015

World Down Syndrome Day 2015

Post “World Down Syndrome Day.”  This was our first year really celebrating.  Last year everything was still quite new and we didn’t even know the holiday existed. We started the day with a box of doughnuts from our favorite bakery, none of which Welles can actually eat.  But it’s us celebrating him, right??  After stuffing our faces with deep fried sugar, off Scarlett went to a birthday party and down Welles went for a nap.  The celebrations were put on hold as Scott worked on building shelves in the basement and I watched.  Between watching (semi helping) him cut and hammer plywood I couldn’t stop looking at Instagram to see the incredibly sweet comments flooding in from my readers.  My heart was overflowing with gratitude and encouragement.  There is nothing quite like knowing hundreds, even thousands of people love my son for exactly what he is.  Incredibly special.

We ended the day by meeting with Welles' chromosome enhanced buddies and their awesome families to celebrate them all.  We picnicked, played volleyball and watched kids run back and forth from the playground to the food.  The bond we share with these families is irreplaceable.  These other mothers are becoming some of my dearest friends and fellow advocates.  We call each other when we’re not sure about some funny new noise one of the kids is making (I swear kids with DS have some signature sounds!), to celebrate even the tiniest of mile-stones or to cry when things get a little overwhelming.  And we all get it.  We all understand this incredible love for something a lot of the world sees as a tragedy.  A love most people won’t get to experience or fully understand.  We all get to be voices for our kids and know that it’s an honor.

We spent the next day relaxing after church and enjoyed a lot of family snuggles.  I laid on the floor and watched my babies play.  My heart went into bursting mode as I started thinking about how blessed we are and how blessed Scarlett is that she gets to have a brother to teach her so much.  Surely she will grow with more compassion and love for those who might be different than she would have otherwise.  What a wonderful gift she and the rest of us have been given.  So naturally, I grabbed the camera and snapped away.  I love capturing the moments that bring so much feeling and emotion to my soul.  Someday I’ll go back, look at these pics with fond memories to reminisce about.

People, you made our WDSD epic.  The love and comments sent our way were beyond kind and so heart warming.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to share our journey with you and hopefully Welles brightens your day when you need it.  He always does it for me;)!

Thank you for your love, people. Happy Monday!

P.S. Don't forget to enter in the giveaway put on by Oilo!  You have until Tomorrow night. (

The fun one

The fun one

Giveaway Sneak Peak for World Down Syndrome Day!