
This weather, these colors and my peeps... Nothing better! This time of year is hands-down, my favorite. It's funny, but being in the mountains and walking little nature trails with my family gets me all chocked up. There is something so serene and magical about being disconnected from the rest of the world and solely focusing on your surroundings and your family. 

Yesterday we went exploring. We passed our usual, kid-friendly trail and went into some unknown area with a perfect little walking trail. It wasn't until we were exiting that I saw the "Private Property" signs. Ooops! Anyways, we walked down this beautiful pathway surrounded by quakie trees (my favorite). The long white stumps had shed most of their leaves, but there were shades of red, orange and yellow on the path and even on some of the tree tops. It really felt like a movie set. So magical and lovely. Scarlett went back and forth between playing "magic fairy forest" and Pocahontas. At one point she found a little boulder, climbed to the top, shot a fake arrow and said she was shooting bad guys out of the sky. Apparently she didn't pay much attention during her last viewing of Pocahontas. Welles would tromp behind her and then ran past us all laughing, tripped, got up, repeat!

My kids come alive when they're exploring in the outdoors. It's such a beautiful feeling as I watch them light up and run free! Then we came home and planted ourselves in front of a movie. Hey, balance in all things! ;)   

If you're wondering about that awesome backpack that Scott is wearing, it's from our brother-in-law's company, Wandrd. It holds all of our laptop, lenses and camera equip + snacks and crap for the kids. ;) It's amazing. We love! 
