Buddy Walk

Buddy Walk

Yesterday's Buddy Walk was a blast.  The theme was "Everyday Heroes" - so fitting, right?  The energy that was felt among the special ones, young and old, was so happy and contagious.  Their joy in the simple things is what makes them all heroes.  Enjoy these pics of Welles and Buddies!  And be sure to read the signs they had up.   I didn't capture all of them.  Some were horrifying and some were awesome.  Beware, cuteness overload below! IMG_3085 jamieIMG_3087 IMG_3097 IMG_3112 IMG_3113 IMG_3117 IMG_3118 IMG_3121 IMG_3124 IMG_3126 IMG_3130 IMG_3133


Case of the Mondays

Case of the Mondays

 Twinkly Boy

Twinkly Boy