

Commitment has never been my friend. I'm full of good intentions and grand ideas. I even construct plans to carry them out and start off strong... Then when commitment starts to settle in, I get distracted by another pretty idea or just lose interest. It's not you, goals... It's me! 

So yeah, I'm not huge on setting New Year resolutions. I know myself all too well and skip out on that new gym-pass deal and tell myself that I prefer running outdoors better, anyways. But this past year has been different... I found myself craving structure, stability and accomplishments more than ever before. More-so, I've found myself struggling to survive and keep my head above water. With a third child added to the mix and the needs of my first two growing greater than ever, I HAVE to find balance. Our home needs it. Our family needs it. I need it.

For as long as I can remember chaos and spontaneity have been my two strongest companions, but my family is needing more from me. Don't get me wrong... we will still throw together last minute road trips and family adventures and I will probably always be a yoga-pant-wearing-fifteen-minutes-late kind of mom. But I really want to get organized in my home and in my family life. I want to feel in control of the few things I actually can control. I want to enjoy tasks without feeling behind and stressed about what I'm forgetting or what needs to be done next. I want my energy and aura to read calmness and balance. I want my kids and husband to feel that confident, calm and collected energy as I put it out for them to process and absorb. As the mother, I know that I set off the tone or mood in the home and I know that it needs improvement.  

So I guess I want to refine myself this year and stop putting it off for the years ahead when I have to, because really, that year is now. 

I have more detailed little goals to help me stay on track and committed. Maybe I'll even update throughout the year as I find things that really help. But for the first time in a long time, I'm committed to the New Year. I'm not becoming a "new me" but refining the old me. I like myself and my chaotic ways. Just looking for more balance and organization. The end goal is to enjoy my little family and savor these years and moments as time is stealing them from me. 

Hoping everyone else is finding ways to make this year better than ever! Best of luck to us all. 



my dearest ames

my dearest ames