Just a little symbol...

Just a little symbol...

While Welles still hasn't got the arm strength, he's getting close to being able to pull his little body up to peek over the top of his crib.  With Scarlett I believe we lowered her crib at about eight or nine months for fear she would topple out.  At sixteen months, we are just now thinking we may need to lower it to the next setting for Welles.  Upon readying to make a couple tiny changes in his room, I've been getting nostalgic about when I put together his little nursery. When we were expecting Welles I couldn't get that blonde hair, blue-eyed image out of my mind.  I just knew he'd look exactly like his daddy's baby pictures.  I became obsessed with all things baby boy.  Shockingly, I got a little ahead of myself with Pinterest to plan a boyish nursery.  It would be Navy with some bold accent colors and very contemporary (we were getting ready to move into a new home we were building and I was getting a little out of control with all the room planning... Sue me.).  Anyway, I had this cool idea to paint come really modern trees on one wall, hang some super bold lighting, blah, blah, etc., etc...

When Welles was born, I held that sweet, perfect little angel who didn't look much like his daddy's baby pictures.  Through the tears of shock and fear, the strongest emotion I felt was love and protection for this soft and sweet little angel.  Everything about him was warm and angelic and I wanted to be sure he would always be near warmth and heavenly surroundings like the one he had just come from.  Even though it was a small and minute token of sorts, I traded in all the bold and contemporary decor for light and angelic things.  It's just a room, right?  It sounds silly, but I couldn't put my new little angel in anything but a soft and heavenly little space.  It's not much, the walls aren't filled cool and exciting colors.  There isn't a lot to catch the eye, it's a simple little room.  But I go rock my angel in his chair and it feels quite peaceful and lovely.  Just like Welles.  It's just a little symbol between me and my boy.









Real life...

Real life...

Good bye, hello!

Good bye, hello!