More, more, more!

More, more, more!


It's probably safe to assume that I'm not the only one who knows the song "put your finger tips together for more, more, more!" backwards and forward, inside and out.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about and you're a mom, go buy "Baby signing time" right away.  The songs will make you want to bang your head against a wall, but your kids will LOVE it.  Welles is hypnotized the second he hears the intro to the video.  It's my "mommy needs a twenty minute breather" go to. Some say that teaching babies to sign can delay children from talking.  Maybe so.  It sure didn't slow Scarlett down one bit.  DS children are often encouraged to learn sign language since speaking is typically delayed.  It's a great way for them to communicate.

Welles' therapist has had us working on specific signs with Welles for months.  He often signs "mom" and "dad", but not usually in the right context.  This last week while feeding him, he signed "MORE" between bites! "More" while wanting more food!  Connecting the dots!  He is starting to understand what to do in order to get what he needs.  What a breakthrough on his communication skills.  This may seem little to some, but this is a big step in our little family.

Don't you love how he signs it with his thumbs rather than his fingers?!  Too darn cute, this kid.




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It's begining to FEEL a lot like Christmas

Aquarium with UAF

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