It's been slow, but we are finally getting into Christmas festivities. Sickness after sickness after sickness has hit our family hard this last month and we are just now getting back on our feet! Actually Scott is laying in bed next to me with a barf bowl by his side... But I'm assuming he caught the 24 hour bug and will be better by tomorrow. Not just assuming, I'm praying!!!  

My attitude has really effected me in a negative way lately and I'm trying to kick it and replace negative Nancy with positive Penelope! Is that an accurate saying?? Anyways... I'm shifting gears. 

Between nursing our entire family back to health, our move-in date getting pushed back and feeling super unfestive with all of our usual decorations in storage, no room for a tree plus feeling trapped in this apartment... I've been a bit of a downer. Last week especially and I felt so guilty because I am very blessed and this season's purpose is joyous and much bigger than me. Why I've been letting things get to me that usually wouldn't have much of an effect, I don't know. But it's times like this that I am so grateful for Welles' happy and amazing little spirit. He knows when to jump in and remind me what's important. All of my kids have a way of making my heart warmer when needed, but Welles is always putting things into perspective. A couple of small personal experiences this month left me needing some spiritual encouragement. Welles was there on que and for that I am so thankful. I have a feeling he will provide many saving graces for me (and everyone else) over the years. And BTW, nothing big or tragic happened, just little things that left my heart feeling frustrated or down. It's good to be reminded what this holiday is really about.

NOW we are full swing Christmas-spirit ready! It's a lot harder getting ready for such a special holiday when you aren't in your home but we are making the best of it! Scott took Scarlett to get Christmas lights and they hung them around the apartment! Scarlett and I made a paper tree and taped it to the wall with paper ornaments! We have crossed some good items off of our holiday bucket list and almost completely through with Christmas shopping... Whew! That's a real win for this procrastinator. ;) 

This week I will update you on our holiday bucket list with some items that are now annual traditions! We've had some great teaching moments with Scarlett that have left her wanting to serve others more. A concept she hadn't fully understood doing (outside of our family) until now. 

We still need to go see Santa Claus and then Christmas can be here! That's right, my kids still haven't sat on his lap, screamed and then told him what they'd like yet. We got all dressed up and went to the mall to do so a couple nights ago and they turned us away because he needed to go on a break... I literally felt my eyes well up with tears and begged her to let us be the last people and his chipper little elf turned us away. This was after a long and stressful day so I found a corner in the mall and let a few tears out. Pathetic, I know! But it took me an hour to get my kids dressed and out the door. Anyways, we'll try again today maybe. Scarlett is the only one who gets the concept but she's dying to meet him. Then we will be Christmas ready! What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

my dearest ames

my dearest ames