Spread Light

Spread Light

Ever feel too weak to read/watch the news? The other night I read an article that really got me down. Couldn’t sleep or even think straight the next day, kind of down. I swear, every other time I read an article in our local news it leaves my sensitive, pregnant-self feeling teary and overwhelmed with negativity. I’m banning myself from the news until these hormones pass! Could be a while… But really, why is it that we fixate and over-discusses the sadness in life when really there is so much more good than bad? Don’t get me wrong, there are some really good and uplifting stories out there as well, but I feel like the focus is easily drawn to the drama of negativity. Now before I get too negative, let me tell you where I’m going with this. As I was in this bout of sadness over an extremely depressing article, this little light turned on inside of me while praying these bummed-out feelings would pass. A thought came to me reminding that it’s our job to spread light and goodness. When I started this blog almost a year ago I swore that I would spread Welles’ joy as far and wide as I possibly could. The message that he sends with just a picture of his smiling face is so incredibly powerful. I take my job as a happiness-spreader very seriously. I know that Welles was given to our family as a very special gift. Because we were given this beautiful-perfect little person, we owe it to the world to spread his goodness and the joy that DS blesses our lives with. I’m also pretty sure Scarlett brightens days with her spunk on the blog (slash in real life!), as well;)!

When I scroll through my Instagram feed, I see so much positivity and goodness (I’m picky about following up-lifters!). I’m not advising to spend more time on social media for those good vibes, but even on places like IG you can find more good than bad. Because really, there is more good than bad in this world.

But it’s up to us to spread that message, right? Even just through simple acts of kindness and sharing what inspires us.

So let’s all paint the town with happiness, what do ya say?! Spread some light, folks!

Before you go, watch this video for some serious inspiration.  I dare you not to cry.  Totally made my night, last night.



Baby...  Brother!

Baby... Brother!