The numbers game
Earlier this week Welles had an evaluation. Every six months his OT and PT are ordered to come and evaluate his physical and mental development. I understand the purpose of this testing and why they need to do it, but I find it a little heart wrenching lumping my baby into these numbers that don't seem incredibly accurate and leave me feeling like I should be doing more. His girls (Lisa- OT and Lanisa- PT) seem to be on the same page as myself but gotta turn the testing in to keep Welles qualified for his therapy through the school system. Last time he was tested (six months ago) was the first time his scores showed that he is technically "delayed". But he was only considered about two months behind so that would be an easy catch up, I thought. This time the numbers showed him to be between eight and ten months old in most areas. Welles is now fifteen months so this was kind of a shake. I knew this was going to happen, I knew this was inevitable, and honestly, it's never bothered me. I don't care if Welles is the first individual with DS to build a rocket or if he happily works at the local super market the rest of his life. Whatever makes him happy and pushes him to learn and grow.
For some reason, my heart felt a little heavy after his evaluation. It's hard to feel like you're doing enough to help your child when they're thrown into these boxes with numbers. I have to remind myself that these numbers are just numbers and that Welles is thriving. Maybe at his own pace, but thriving! Every day he shows us new tricks and teaches us new things. Like to keep it simple and positive. It's okay to feel inadequate once in a while though, right? ;)