What's up Doc?

What's up Doc?

This year flew by way too fast.  As hard as it is watching my baby grow up too quickly, I look forward to the doctor appointments slowing down.  We will have to continue seeing specialists (ENT, Optometrist and blood work in the lab) more than most kids. But at least the check-ups will be further and fewer between.  We do have an amazing pediatrician who is extra knowledgable when it comes to children with Trisomy 21.  I feel very comfortable with Welles in her hands.

Little buddy was a trooper!  He had his shots, blood work, and ears tested.  The blood work was to check on his thyroid because individuals with Down Syndrome are more likely to have Hypothyroidism.  We also had to do blood work to test for Celiac Disease, which is also more common among those with DS. These are both yearly tests and the results were good this time around!  I hate watching my babies get poked and cry.  But Welles only cried for a couple seconds and was back to smiling.

Stats: 5% for height, 2% head size (I could swear they're off on that one) and 20 Lbs. Short, chunky little love!

 Twinkly Boy

Twinkly Boy

Dear Birthday Boy

Dear Birthday Boy