A moment of judgment...

A moment of judgment...

It's been weighing on me the past week or so.  Have you ever so poorly misjudged someone that you feel just plain sick when you realize it?  Well that's where I'm at...  And it's a pretty crummy feeling. I don't want to dive into the unnecessary specifics, but as someone whose mission is to stop the judgments that circulate in society, I can't help but feel like a total hypocrite.  I walked in to a situation which didn't go according to the expectations I had for it and placed an unkind judgment on a total stranger.  Upon learning of her painful situation (after unkind words went through my head and then into the ears of a friend), a valuable lesson was learned.  A lesson which, I foolishly thought I knew everything about.  It was humbling to say the least.

Even as adults, we have this urge and problem of casting harsh judgments.  In our heads we justify why we are doing so, and sometimes our justifications might be worthy.  But how silly and foolish is that?  How on earth could I possibly know and understand enough of a stranger to hold such an opinion.

How grateful I am that while life can be cruel it can also be so forgiving.  I can learn and move forward from this situation and become a better person for it.  This week I'm making it my goal to be more like my kids.  Scarlett so passionately loves.  She doesn't see people's differences, she doesn't notice that her brother is behind or unlike most toddlers his age, she just loves with her whole heart.  And something tells me that the day the differences become apparent, her love will only grow.  Welles is so peaceful and compassionate.  He takes the abuse from a smothering older sister with only a yelp when her hugs make it hard to breathe.  He doesn't fuss for much attention and I could swear he knows that sister needs it more than he does ;) .  Nothing melts me like the concern on his face when he thinks Scarlett is sad or hurt.  At such a young age he recognizes pain and shows compassion.  I have so much to learn from my sweet babies and am thankful for all they teach me.  It's like we get stupider with age.

There is nothing I can do about being judgmental last week.  Heaven knows it wouldn't help to go tell the girl what I was thinking about her...  I guess posting about it is my way of punishing myself.  Now you all know what a silly fool I can be!

A new week, some new goals.  Happy Monday.



Little love story

Little love story