Dear Birthday Boy

Dear Birthday Boy

“Welles is loving, Welles is joyful, Welles is Smart, Welles is funny, Welles is handsome.” That is what’s written on our kitchen letter board right now. There are a million other beautiful words that describe that incredible little boy, but those were the first that came to my mind as I prepared for his birthday party last week.

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Dear Welles,

 Every morning I look forward to pulling you out of your crib… I listen to your giggles as I approach your room and immediately I am filled with joy.  Our morning cuddles on the couch are what charge my batteries for the hours ahead.

As you lay in my arms, you constantly look up at me and put my face into your chubby little hands… sometimes holding and pulling me for repeated slobbery-kisses and sometimes just to gaze into my gaze. I see so much in those almond shaped eyes of yours... I always have. Even as I held newborn you, still stunned and in shock about your diagnosis, I couldn’t believe what your eyes held… so much light, so much wisdom and so much peace. I would cry, so worried about what your future held, but your eyes always told mommy to stop worrying and peace would flood my entire body.

 While mommy doesn’t worry nearly as much anymore, your eyes still tell me secrets. Secrets that make me wish the whole world was gazing into them so that they could also understand…  But maybe, over time, as we shout your worth they can understand what your eyes tell me every single day-- You are happy, you are loving, you are smart, you are funny and you are beautiful… plus so much more. If only they could all understand that your Down syndrome, that one extra chromosome, doesn’t make you less of a person but that it actually enhances who you are… your beautiful uniqueness... and pours light into the lives that surround you.

 Maybe someday they’ll stop making assumptions about your quality of life and believe this mommy when she says that I wish we all had your quality of life… I wish that we all could be a little more like Welles and focus only on the beauty and goodness in each person, the way that you do. How wonderful would it be if we were less self-inhibited and more self –loving, like you. How great this world could be if they took lessons from you and your buddies, who focus on true-worth instead of the fabricated-worth that the media creates.  If only your goodness and wisdom could rub off onto each shoulder you brush. People view you as behind… I view you as way ahead… at least in what is truly important.

 While Iceland and others still struggle to see what we see, I promise to do my best to show them what you’ve shown me. I will always honor you by being the loudest and truest advocate that I can be! Through your love, someday they’ll understand. I promise you, my sweet Wellesy-boy. You are an absolute treasure.


 We had the best little birthday party for Welles with his buddies. Just hours before was a super overwhelming day and I was almost dreading it... but as each little buddy showed up I got a new burst of light in my heart. These kids are so beautiful inside and out... just look at the pictures below.

This was the first year Welles seemed to almost know that it was all for HIM! All of his pals, a couple gifts and his awesome/incredible buddies from BYU Vocal Point showed up to sing him happy birthday. All it took was an incredible cake from Sweet Tooth Fairy, some hot and ready pizzas and 25 bouncy balls to make all his little dreams come true. #momwin

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Stepping Forward

Stepping Forward

And we're back!

And we're back!