My sisters and I are inseparable best friends

If you know my family, you know that the Clark sisters are absolutely best friends.  My sisters and I are inseparable, except that one of us lives a state away...  But even still, we are four kindred spirits that confide, laugh, cry and support each other in our life dreams and endeavors.  Not sure how my parents did it with all girls so close in age, but some how we've only ever supported and encouraged each other.  Even with all three of my sisters winning beauty and talent pageants, being exceptional musicians and loved by all, it never occurred to me to feel jealous.  I still remember watching my sisters perform drum, guitar and piano solos in competitions and feeling my heart race with anxiety for them.  I had no desire to compete in pageants/scholarship programs, but loved watching and cheering for them.  We have always been each other's greatest fans. (Side note: I'll tell you more of our sister band days another time ;) )

This last weekend my older sister flew out to visit the rest of us, surprising another sister for her baby shower.  Being reunited after only a couple of months felt so right.  Having our oldest sister taken away by her husband's new job in a new state has been painfully hard on the three of us that live in close proximity.  We spent a lot of last weekend up late, laughing, kissing each other's babies, reminiscing some good times and cried upon our good-bye.  Thank heavens she'll be back in a month!  This separation anxiety is killin' me.

The best friend/sister just younger than me is due in a few weeks with her second, a baby boy.  This means one more boy cousin and best friend for Welles!  He's covered between Scott's sisters and mine with boy cousins to have as best buddies and body guards ;) .  But for reals, this makes thinking of his high school years a lot easier on me!

Here's a little peek at the shower.  In case you haven't gathered by previous posts, I am no crafty-pinterest-party-gal.  So I used  The work is already done!  Wam, bam, you've got a party ma'am.  I didn't use all of the print-outs, but wishing I was better organized and did.  They. Are. Darling.

Here's a little treasure from our teenage years.

Here's a little treasure from our teenage years.

s post-babies and pregnant from the other night.  Kicking myself for not getting a better one (with washed hair) over the weekend!  And naturally Scarlett couldn't let us have all the fun.

s post-babies and pregnant from the other night.  Kicking myself for not getting a better one (with washed hair) over the weekend!  And naturally Scarlett couldn't let us have all the fun.

My thoughts on the "R" word

My thoughts on the "R" word

Screen time confessions

Screen time confessions