Christmas with the Petes 2014
Hoping everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as we did. This year was our year with the Peterson side (minus one of Scott's sisters who lives in DC). We had a blast with Scott's wonderful family playing games, watching movies, laughing to tears and over-eating lots of delicious food. All while a bunch of crazy toddlers ran around on sugar highs. We even got to ride on a "Christmas Bus" which the kids thought was the absolute coolest thing ever. Our brother-in-law owns a student transport company for the University down where they live and surprised everyone with a bus ride to see Christmas lights. The ride also included a half dressed up Santa (well a Santa hat), his elf and a present for each person. All while blasting some cheery Christmas tunes and watching the kids (and some adults) chant "Christmas bus!" as loud as they could. T'was a darling idea and is sure to be a new tradition.
This Christmas Scarlett actually got the idea of Santa coming down the chimney and leaving gifts under the tree. The magic was there this year and Scott and I enjoyed using it against her to prevent any "naughty" behavior. It even worked a couple times! But really, it was a rush leaving out cookies and carrots with Scarlett and watching her come down the stairs and seeing all the gifts left under grandma and grandpa's tree. I can't wait for Welles to get excited over Christmas traditions, too.
More importantly, Scarlett can almost tell the story of Christ's birth in the manger. We have to help her, but she does know that Christmas is Jesus' birthday. Watching her try to recite that night, play by play with the little laminated nativity makes this mommy so proud.
It was a Magical and white Christmas for the Peterson family. Nothing beats this insane and wonderful time of year when you have amazing people to share it with.
Merry Christmas, friends! Now let's ring in 2015...