Easter 2016

Easter 2016

For the sake of documenting, here are our Easter pics and the series of uneventful but memory-worthy events... Almost two weeks late. Hey, better late than never. A motto I live by. The night before Easter, I decided I wanted us all to match on Easter Sunday for church (as always, I make my decisions the night before). Already had my kids outfits and all Scott would need was a corresponding tie. I decided to get myself a fun dress to fit in with my crew. Right now, none of my clothing fits and everything makes me feel frumpy and lumpy. So we dashed out the door for a family mall-outing (always crazy) so I could treat myself to something that might make me feel somewhat cute and girly. After wrangling all three kids through the mall, dinner at the food court, and a pretty penny later, I had picked a matching dress. Then at eleven o'clock that night... Barf. Scott called me on my late night grocery run to tell me Scarlett had made a pukey mess of her room and to grab some sprite. Bummer. Poor baby girl. Maybe I should return that dress that I won't be wearing to church tomorrow. Eh, I haven't gussied myself up in months, why start now? Crap, is Scarlett going to give everyone the flu?

Easter morning came, we still put out easter baskets and sure enough, Scarlett was peppy and eager to see what the Easter Bunny had brought. We still skipped out on going to church just in case the pukes came back, but all signs pointed to bad food. No other flu symptoms appeared.

Bummed not to be wearing my new dress and matching my kids, I lounged around and put out the most creative Easter treat I saw on a friends Instagram (Caroline Drake). We snuggled and ate Easter candy together. Then it hit me that I didn't really care about the stupid, darling Easter clothes we weren't wearing. I was sad to be missing my favorite church service of the year. The one where we're taught to remember the true meaning of Easter and the absolute greatness that came fourth on that first Easter morning. So we watched some short movies on Christ's resurrection and tried our best to explain it to Scarlett who stayed pretty focused on that chocolate easter bunny. But I'm pretty sure a little of it sank in. How grateful I am to know the magnitude of that holiday and all it represents.

We spent the evening with Scott's family, eating a delicious Easter dinner prepared by his mom and sister, and hunting for eggs. Family time and spiritual fulfillment (by YouTube Easter clips) was all my soul really needed. But I think I'll keep the dress. ;)

White porch swing

White porch swing

Easiest pack-n-play

Easiest pack-n-play