White porch swing

White porch swing

We counted two-months pregnant with our first child as my first Mother's Day worth celebrating. I firmly believe that feeling nauseous and exhausted puts you up there with all the other mom's being celebrated! Plus, once you see that little bean on the ultra-sound screen, there's a little burst in your heart connects you to that future baby and makes you feel like a mother. At least that was my experience. Scott asked what I wanted for my very first Mother's Day present. A massage? Perfume? Flowers? No thanks. I just wanted a white porch swing as I kicked off motherhood. A swing that I could sit on during those pregnant summer nights while I dreamed up what this baby might be like, look like and act like (as if we're ever correct in those predictions). A white porch swing that Scott and I could sit on when my feet started to swell after long days of working in that law firm, over my big belly. I wanted that porch swing to sit on with my little newborn while I soaked in everything early-motherhood would bring. I wanted that charming porch swing to push my little toddlers on while we ate snacks between exploring and little adventures outside. I wanted that porch swing to sit on with my kids as they grew older, where we could have talks about their feelings, dreams and what's going on in their lives. And maybe even a porch swing where Scott and I could sit and strategize how to be there for those kids and help them grow into happy, kind and driven adults. Oh so many dreams I had while carrying that first little bean.

Scott got me that porch swing. He didn't get a fancy one, just a simple white porch swing. Just like I asked for. It might be my favorite thing that we own. We've moved it from one home to another, watched many sunsets and have had countless snuggles on that pretty, white porch swing. I think I'll snap an Easter picture on it every year to watch it weather and grow with my babies. It's already got a couple good scrapes and scars. I kind of love that trusty swing that reminds me of my entrance into motherhood.

Side note: My kids looked so cute in their Easter outfits (two weeks late) I could have eaten them up! I wonder how many good years of matching I'll get out of them.... ;)

Inclusion. The new cool.

Inclusion. The new cool.

Easter 2016

Easter 2016