Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

We said goodbye to our beautiful home a few weeks ago. So many memories made in that place, lots of laughs and lots of diapers changed. We will truly miss that blue-grey home, but we are very excited for our new house, hopefully to be finished by January! In the meantime, I’m really not hating this tiny-rental situation. Sure, Ames sleeps in our closet and the “play room” is just the hall entry by the coat closet. We have no pantry, and yes, it takes two minutes to trash the place… But hey! It only takes twenty to clean! Also, because of the tight living space, we make much more time for outdoor activities and little adventures. We spend our days creating more memories and less time puttering around/cleaning a big house. I hope to carry these new ways to our new and larger (yikes!) house. It’s so easy to stay indoors when we’re all spread out and there are millions of little projects to be done. I’ll do my best to remember the little experiences we’re having while we live in this shoebox stuffed with our little tribe.

Since we’ve moved out, we took a trip to Idaho and did a little stay-cation at the swanky, Grand America hotel in Salt Lake City. We’ve also gone to more parks, pools and play-dates than we did all summer before our move. And we’re all really enjoying it. Naps and bedtime schedules have been severely thrown off, but we have the fall to fix that, right? ;)

What else is new? ME! Okay, I’m completely serious. A new women, here. Having three babes so close in age hasn’t killed me in the ways that I thought that it would. BUT, it’s made me realize that if I’m ever going to become an organized person, get back in shape or do anything for me, I had better learn to be a planner. You see, I’m what some might describe as a very “scattered” individual. Or, I was, I should say! I have never stuck to a routine, diet, schedule, exercise program, regular blogging (obviously), or regiment of any kind. Commitment just hasn’t been my thing. Now, with the chaos of life and littles, a belly that wont budge and feeling lost with very little “me” time, I've started a book called “The Miracle Morning” to hopefully gain some inspiration. Guys, I’m two weeks in and I swear I’m becoming a much more productive woman! I’m actually super committed to clearing my mind, being organized and getting into shape. I even started meal planning! Now that I’ve admitted this to everyone, keep me accountable. ;) Apparently a self-help book, with a map, was all I needed. I’m clearly an easy sell…

What’s new with Welles? Welles is starting preschool next month. PRESCHOOL! This is blowing my mind. I know I’ll cry. How did this happen so quickly?? Out here, kids that qualify for special-needs preschool (preschool with special-needs AND typical peers) start the day they turn three. I can’t even believe he’s almost three. They’ll send a little bus to the house with an aid and pick my baby up to turn him into a big boy. I am NOT ready for this!

What’s new with the rest of the fam? Well, Scarlett started talking to me like a teenager. Wait… We’ve been on that train for the last year or so. ;) But she’s now pointing out how dirty my room is when I ask her to clean hers. Also, if she can’t yell, how come mom does some times? Yikes, little room for error with that one around. I’m the boss, I’m the boss… Just reminding myself. ;) Nothing gets past my smart little cookie. She puts the biggest smiles on my face and then makes me check for early gray hairs.

Ames is starting to crawl and seven months! He has no time to be a baby. He tries to eat any solid food he can get his little hands on. Still takes a loving beating from his smothering older brother. This kid is going to be the toughest little sweet-heart. He is an absolute lover.

Since I’m a new person, I should have another post up next week! Gotta keep this momentum going! Happy weekend, folks!

The baby cubby

The baby cubby

Summer Bucket List 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016