
This weather, these colors and my peeps... Nothing better! This time of year is hands-down, my favorite. It's weird, but being in the mountains and walking little nature trails with my family gets me all chocked up. There is something so serene and magical about being disconnected from the rest of the world and solely focusing on your surroundings and your family. 

The baby cubby

About a month or two back, Scott was out of town and I was frantic to get the kids out of the house. It had been a long couple of days and we were all feeling pretty cooped up. As usual, the boys fell asleep just as we pulled into the park. Ugh! I decided to take longer drive and played “I spy” with Scarlett while we drove around aimlessly.

Out with the old, in with the new

We said goodbye to our beautiful home a few weeks ago. So many memories made in that place, lots of laughs and lots of diapers changed. We will truly miss that blue-grey home, but we are very excited for our new house, hopefully to be finished by January!

Summer Bucket List 2016

I'm a little late on the "Summer Bucket List" planning, but it's been crazy around here. Not just the usual, chasing kids, appointments, daily grind, crazy... We have some added chaos in our lives right now because we are MOVING! Dejunking, packing all of our belongings (in a semi-organized fashion) and taking off! Leaving the first home we built. I have all kinds of mixed emotions.